Fruit typically develop greasy, gray-brown lesions that expand rapidly and may cause fruit cracking.Sporulation is more common on the underside of plant leaves.Under humid or rainy conditions, late blight lesions on stems, leaves, and fruit will develop white-gray sporulation.A number of other fungicides have efficacy for late blight (see ID-36, pages 79 and 104) for best results, these should be applied preventatively. Apply foliar pesticides when leaves are dry don’t use airblast sprayer. Sprays with a protectant fungicide (such as chlorothalonil, mancozeb, or copper) are the minimum recommendation for both tomato and potato crops in eastern Kentucky prior to the next rain event.It is often too late to save the crop if fungicide sprays are delayed until symptom development. Late blight can destroy a field in a matter of weeks during wet, cool weather. DO NOT tank mix TITAN Chlorothalonil 720 Fungicide with EC formulations when spraying after.US-23 genotypes can infect both tomato and potato and have varying sensitivity to Ridomil (according to Steven Rideout at Virginia Polytechnic Institute). This pathogen recently found in Maryland was genotyped as US-23, the most commonly found genotype in recent years. chlorothalonil, copper, mancozeb, propineb and sulphur) are registered providing.Many of the systemic fungicides typically used for early blight and Septoria (such as Fontelis, Cabrio, or Topsin) will not be effective against the late blight pathogen. The pathogen is Phytophthora infestans, which is a water mold.To keep fungal spores from splashing on the plants, mulch the base of the plant with straw, wood chips, or other natural mulch. All of the affected leaves should be removed, burned, or disposed of in the trash. Like other water mold-induced diseases, such as blue mold and cucurbit downy mildew, late blight spreads rapidly within and between fields, and quickly becomes a grower community problem. Photo by pinimg If you suspect you have blight, act quickly to avoid its spread. If late blight is suspected, the local county Extension agent should be contacted as soon as possible. While unlikely, the possibility exists that with a swirling, southwesterly weather pattern, spores from infected plants there could affect tomato and potato crops in eastern KY, particularly if those spores are deposited under wet conditions. Last week, late blight was found on greenhouse tomato transplants in the westernmost county in Maryland, which is approximately 250 miles from the eastern border of Kentucky.